Olmo Cuarón: A Renowned Short-Story Writer / The History of Memes

Olmo Cuarón is an extremely talented writer of short stories. His creativity, imagination and ingenuity have allowed him to write incredible and unforgettable stories for decades.

To many he is an acclaimed writer and an important reference in the world of Latin-American literature.

Olmo Cuarón knew since he was very young that he wanted to become a successful writer of short stories.

He dreamt of writing down his own ideas and thought on paper and yearned to be read by a large audience.

During his childhood he loved to read short stories, instead of doing activities for someone his age, such as going to the park, playing with his friends, or watching cartoons.

Olmo Cuarón and his Devotion to Writing

His passion was writing, and this is how he discovered he was born to write short stories.

This is how he makes a living. But instead of assuming that writing is a job or an obligation, he sees it as a great source of self-discovery and improvement.

Throughout his life, Olmo Cuarón has written dozens of short stories and his stories have been immortalized in the minds of many readers.

Fortunately, his audience is aware of his talent, and this is why the support each and every one of his adventures as a writer of short stories.

Know the History of Memes

The History of Memes is truly interesting and surprising, especially because these extremely viral content began to have fans over four decades ago.

Indeed, this concept dates back to the year 1976 and its author was a renowned evolutionary biologist named Richard Dawkins.

The creator of memes coined the term “memetics” in his books “The Selfish Gene”, by specifically delving into the Darwinian evolution.

What are memes?

Dawkins proposed a very specific theory. He considered that if the gene was the smallest unit in Biology, then the transfer of cultural information would also need to have its own.

This is where the history of memes begins and its most intrinsic definition. This definition considers the meme a unit of information that resides in the brain, just like a replicator in the cultural evolution of Man.

Memes have several formats; therefore they can be ideas, trends or beliefs that have the potential of expanding, reproducing and multiplying from one mind to another.